Deep Questions

I was emailed this question today: “How would you describe the past year of your life…in one sentence?” I can do it in 5 words… “Like a fabulous rollercoaster.” How about you?

“Kick Me”

Remember that scene in Enter the Dragon, about five minutes into the movie, where Bruce Lee says to the young Shaolin student, “Kick me”? (and he says it oh so coolly). Well tonight, my Sifu said to me, “Kick me”. I looked at him – brain freeze. In my head I went, “Noooooooooooooooo – déjà … Continue reading

30,000km of Solitude

Last night, I met a man who travelled 30,000 kilometres on his motorcycle, from the southernmost tip of a continent northwards until the road ends. He had the most beautiful inspiring amazing photos. There were so many aspects of his stories that captured the imagination, from the lonely old man who cried to camping out … Continue reading

Angels in Disguise

“Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul remains unawakened” Anatole France In my world, pets are angels in disguise.  Dogs, especially. Their dopey unconditional love, their soft eyes, the look of joy when you come home from a long day at the office, every single day. There’s a beauty to that … Continue reading

Keeping Things Simple This Holiday

Keeping busy is a wonderful thing, but it does mean opportunity costs for things that lie beyond the to-do list, like blogging, for example. The holiday season is upon us. I try to unclutter if I can, when I can. For those of you who aspire towards the same, here’re some tips I found to … Continue reading

Up The Mountain

I don’t necessarily want to be physically up the mountain today, but mentally, yes, please. It’s just one of those days.